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Free Do Not Knock Sticker

Free Do Not Knock Sticker

Tired of door-to-door sellers knocking on your door? If so, order one of these Do Not Knock stickers for free! Consumer NZ are giving away the free stickers, and you can put one on your door, letterbox or anywhere visible to people entering your property. It will give sellers the clear message that you don't want them knocking on your door.

Click the green button below to order your free sticker. The link will take you to the Consumer NZ website. Once there, you can fill in the form to get a free sticker sent to your address. You can also download a printable version in either red or black. When you have your sticker you can put it up on your property. Answering the front door can be difficult, so share the campaign with anyone who needs one of these stickers!


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