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Free Lime E-Bike & E-Scooter Rentals

Free Lime E-Bike & E-Scooter Rentals

You can rent e-bikes and e-scooters from Lime in different New Zealand cities. It is a great way to travel because the scooters and bikes are quick and easy to use, and are a more sustainable way to get around. There is a code now available, which means you can give Lime a try! If you use the code 10MINFREE, you will get three rides for free for up to 10 minutes. Please note that there will be an activation fee of $1, but the ride itself will be free.

This is a fun way to travel and test these out, so don't miss out and click the green button below. The link will take you to the Lime website, where you can read more info, see the locations where it is available and download the app. You will need to sign up with them to use the bikes and scooters, but don't forget to use your code!